
Position on a major planning or related issue

Here is a link to the movie https://www.solarmovie.ws/watch-gone-baby-gone-2007-online.html

It is better to be prepared. Make sure you start thinking about the movie you would like to write about. Each paper will be a 3-4 page, double-spaced, 12 pt. font paper analyzing any ONE film that we have watched in class. We want your analysis of the film on issues relating to planning, design, environment, culture, and/or society. On Blackboard, a list of issues is listed for each film. You can also look at the guidelines for this paper under the “Assignments” tab and see example papers posted on Blackboard.

If you want, you can send your paper (7-10 days before due date) to be reviewed by a TA.

Remember this paper is worth 1/4 of your grade, so here are some DOs and DON”Ts to help you get a good grade, these are also listed on the Course Information tab on Blackboard, along with writing guidelines. We will hold your papers up to these standards.


WRITE a paper with a clear structure, that has an introduction, body and conclusion.

THINK critically about the issues portrayed in the movies and read the supporting articles on Blackboard to get a better grip on issues.

CHECK the guidelines and the example papers posted on Blackboard”s Course Information tab to have a better idea of what a good paper looks like.

CITE your sources if you chose to use other information – Otherwise it will be considered as plagiarism

BECOME FAMILIAR with the term “Urban Planning” if you need to.

USE proper language, grammar and punctuation, if you are unsure about your writing skills use the resources available at ASU, such as the Writing Center.

PROOF-READ and use spell check.

CONTACT us with any questions or concerns.


DON”T use 1st person or statements that refer to your personal opinion, for example: “I think”, “I believe”, “I noticed”, “In my opinion”, etc. This is an analysis paper of issues portrayed in the films, NOT your personal opinion of the movie

DON”T use 2nd person statements, for example: “YOU have to”, “When YOU see…” or anything containing the word “YOU” / “YOUR”. These kind of statements make your papers sound informal and less than academic.

DON”T summarize the films, we”ve all seen them, get straight to the issues analysis part.

DON”T review the films, that is not the purpose of the paper.

DON”T use contractions (he”s, it”s, didn”t, etc.) Spell it out (he is, it is, did not, etc)

DON”T waste your time writing about cinematographic styles or the “planning” of the movie itself. This class is called Urban Planning 200: Cities in Cinema, therefore any papers addressing these topics will automatically receive a failing grade, since it will be assumed that the student has ignored the guidelines and completely missed the point of the class itself.

DON”T stretch your papers with unusual letter fonts, spacing or plain rambling. We will discount points for any of these things.

Added on 09.02.2015 23:12

Please write 3-4 pages of analysis on any ONE film that we have watched in class. NO SUMMARY of the film is needed (or wanted). We want your analysis of the film on issues relating to planning, design, environment, culture, and/or society. Be sure to write a very succinct paper with intro, body, and conclusion. Spend time checking grammar, punctuation, run-on sentences, incomplete sentences, and spelling (see writing guidelines document in “course documents”). Please put your name on the paper and staple it. Here”s a paper structure hint that you may find helpful:

1. Think of a position on a major planning or related issue you would like to analyze for the movie.

2. Think of 2-4 statements that support your position.

3. In your intro paragraph, clearly state your position (identified in #1) and briefly mention your supporting statements (#2).

4. Each paragraph after your intro should be dedicated to explaining ONE of your supporting statements. You may use specific examples from the movie to provide further support and evidence.

5. Write a concluding paragraph that essentially wraps up your position, and ideally provides sheds sort of new light based on the arguments provided in the body of the paper.

6. Make sure to include a class reading

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