In your position as leader of the HR team, the following problem has been referred to you:
You have received a grievance from the union citing a disciplinary case that has taken place. Specifically, an employee in the manufacturing department has been suspended without pay for two weeks for excessive lateness. The union alleges that a two week suspension is excessive.
Known Facts:
1. The employee has been with the company for 15 years;
2. His record has been stellar until the beginning of 2013;
3. Since January 2013, however, he has been late a dozen times;
4. His work has remained adequate;
5. His evaluations have consistently rated him as "an average employee";
6. There is an Employee Handbook which addresses lateness;
7. This individual's supervisor (the person who suspended him) is strictly a "by the book" leader;
8. The supervisor is Hispanic;
9. The employee is Black and works from a wheelchair as he lost his legs in Operation Desert Storm;
10. The employee has a wife and three children.
1. How will you handle this situation? That is, provide specifics and address any related issues that could result from your action/decision