Portfolio should contain critical reviews and annotations

Portfolio should contain critical reviews and annotations built up in response to the given reflective tasks. the following journals are a) Keziere, R 2009, 'Prepare To Demolish Application Silos', Information Management (1521-2912), 19, 2, pp. 22-26 b) Xu, L 2011, 'Enterprise Systems: State-of-the-Art and Future Trends', IEEE Transactions On Industrial Informatics, 7, 4, pp. 630-640 (Note: Access via IEEE Explore Database) c) Svejvig, P 2011, 'A Successful Enterprise System Re-Implementation Against All Odds -- A Multisourcing Case Study', Journal Of Information Technology Case & Application Research, 13, 4, pp. 3-31 d) Helo, P, Anussornnitisarn, P, & Phusavat, K 2008, 'Expectation and reality in ERP implementation: consultant and solution provider perspective', Industrial Management & Data Systems, 108, 8, pp. 1045-1059 This one is accessible through article linker --- once you get to the article linker page then click on Emerald ---- Then enter article name in Emeral search box to find this article On each journal e paragraphs are needed namely a)Summary b)critique c) conclusion 400 words for each journal excluding references

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Business Management: Portfolio should contain critical reviews and annotations
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