Demonstrate your research and in-depth knowledge of the skin, facial treatments and anatomy and physiology
1. You are required to label this diagram of the face with the following superficial muscles. You may access anatomical charts and anatomy/physiology publications to help you with your answers.
Muscles: frontalis, masseter, sternocleidomastoid, triangularis, orbicularis oculi, risorius, procerus, levator anguli oris, depressor labii inferioris, mentalis, corrugator supercilii, zygomaticus minor, zygomaticus major, buccinators, levator labii superioris, orbicularis oris
2. You are required to research two (2) comprehensive and professional skincare ranges and choose the following products listed in the table below from each range and provide the benefits and effects of each:
Range #1 - Name of professional skincare range:
Is the range cosmetic, therapeutic or cosmeceutical?
Range # 2 - Name of professional skincare range:
Is the range cosmetic, therapeutic or cosmeceutical?
3. You are required to source one (1) professional beauty product that contains a food ingredient that may cause allergies or irritation to a client's skin. Please list the allergen ingredient and write a brief description as to why this product may cause an allergy or irritation.
4. Create an Information Booklet for your salon which explains the following skin types and skin conditions and include an image from google for each: You may use your professional beauty textbook, your learner guide and the Internet for this task.
• Dry/ alipid/ lipid dry
• Oily/lipid
• Diffused red
• Eczema and atopic dermatitis
• Hair disorders
• Acne
• Vascular disorders
• Seborrheric dermatitis
5. You are required to design a flyer for your clients to educate them on skin colour and how the sun impacts the skin. You are required to cover the following information:
• Factors that contribute to skin colour including: Melanin, carotene and blood
• Structure and location of melanocytes and keratinocytes and their response to ultra violet radiation
• Relationship between minimal, erythmal dose, skin protection factor and sunscreen use
• Fitzpatrick skin types (include a diagram from the internet)
• Explain what - Electromagnetic spectrum means and the effect of light on skin