
Population pyramids show the age structure of the

Population pyramids show the age structure of the population of a country or region. Different growth patterns caused by varying cultural values, war events or both help shape the pyramid. You will obtain the data (population pyramids) from www.census.gov/population/international/data/idb// for three different countries. The three countries (Ethiopia, Indonesia and UK) will each have a population pattern that may be recognized as either in rapid growth, in stable growth or in growth decline. After you obtain the pyramids, copy and paste them intoyour assignment and then identify which of the three patterns each country demonstrates. Please write a brief essay comparing the three pyramids. Consider historical events, the present global population structure and the influence, if any, of the past and the present on future population growth. Compare and contrast these pyramids. Which country will have the greatest population increase? Why? What problems might these countries be facing? You may use additional information from library sources or the Internet.

Please cite any outside sources used to prepare your essay, and provide a bibliography at end of your assignment.

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Other Subject: Population pyramids show the age structure of the
Reference No:- TGS01078035

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