Question: Population and Sample are two important terms in the subject ‘Statistics'. In simple terms, population is the largest collection of items that we are interested to study, and the sample is a subset of a population. In other words, sample should represent the population with fewer but sufficient number of items. One population can have several samples with different sizes (Levy and Lemeshow, 2013). This researcher's study is on the social and professional lived experiences of African-American female faculty in community colleges in South, Texas. The research shows that this researcher only needs a small sample of 10-15 respondents to answer this researcher's questions. (target population is African-American female faculty in community colleges). This researcher chose this group because of their race, gender, job affiliation and geographical location. Kitchenham and Pfleeger, S. L. (2002) assert to obtain a sample; you must begin by defining a target population. The target population is the group or the individuals to whom the survey applies. In other words, you seek those groups or individuals who are in a position to answer the questions and to whom the results of the survey apply. Thus, a valid sample is a representative subset of the target population. This researcher plans to use 2 tables: (1) to illuminate the data revealing the correlation between professional job statuses achieved by African-American female faculty in academia, despite their degree attainment in the last 20 years, compared to their White male and female counterparts in academia. So, the descriptive statistics in this study will be gender, age range and race.