
Polymers-solar energy-cells

Question 1:

a) How are Polymers classified?
b) Define polymerization. Differentiate addition and condensation polymerization.

Question 2:

a) Explain the free radical mechanism of addition polymerization taking ethylene as a monomer.
b) Give the synthesis and applications of Teflon.

Question 3:

a) Differentiate between thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics.
b) What is glass transition temperature?Discuss the following factors affecting GTT i) Flexibility ii) Intermolecular forces.

Question 4:

a) Explain the manufacture and applications of the following high polymers: i)Polymethylmethacrylates (plexi glass) ii) polyurethanes.
b) What are elastomers? Mention the advantages of synthetic rubber over natural rubber.

Question 5:

a) What are the deficiencies of natural rubber? What is vulcanization of rubber.
b) Explain the manufacture of Silicone rubber. Mention their applications.


Question 1: Discuss the relation between the structure and following properties of polymers a) Crystallinity b) Elasticity

Question 2: Explain the manufacture of Neoprene rubber. Mention their applications.

Question 3: Explain the manufacture of Butyl rubber. Mention their applications.

Question 4: Give the synthesis and applications Phenol Formaldehyde.

Question 5: Define the following i) Functionality ii) Degree of polymerization.


Question 1:

a) Explain the construction and working of catalytic converter with a neat diagram.

b) How much of rise in temperature of water occurs when 0.222 kg of a fuel is burnt in bomb calorimeter containing 4.6 kg of water, if the gross calorific value of the fuel is 2424 kJkg-1 and water equivalent of calorimeter is 3.3kg. Specific heat of water = 4.187 kJ kg-1 oC-1 .

Question 2:

a) Describe the experimental determination of calorific value of a fuel using bomb calorimeter.
b) Explain Pulling technique for the production of Silicon Single crystal.

Question 3:

a) Define Octane number & Cetane number. Discuss the methods of improving octane number of a fuel.
b) What is power alcohol? Explain how ethyl alcohol is manufactured from molasses.

Question 4:

a) Write a note on anti knocking agents.
b) What is bio diesel? How is it prepared? What are the advantages?

Question 5:

a) What are photovoltaic cells? Mention the advantages and disadvantages.
b) Explain the construction and working of PV Cells.


Question 1: What are chemical fuels? How they are classified? List the characteristics of a good fuel.

Question 2: Define cracking. Explain the fluidized catalytic cracking method with neat diagram.

Question 3: Define knocking. Explain the mechanism of knocking in petrol engines.

Question 4: What is meant by reforming? Explain the principal reactions occurring during the reforming process.

Question 5: Explain the production of solar grade silicon.

Question 6: Calculate Gross and Net Calorific value of a coal sample from the following data: Weight of coal sample = 0.795x10-3 kg; Wt of water taken in the calorimeter = 1.3 kg   Water equivalent of Calorimeter = 2.5 kg; Initial Temperature of the water = 28 0C Final Temperature of the water = 29.8 0C; % of H2 in the coal sample = 2.5 Latent heat of steam = 2455 kJ/kg 


Question 1:

a) Define EMF. Obtain the expression which relates the EMF of a cell with concentration.
b) The EMF of the cell Cd/Cd2+(0.01M)//Cu2+(0.5M)/Cu, is 0.79V. Determine the standard reduction potential of Cd electrode, if the standard electrode potential of copper is 0.34V

Question 2:  

a) Justify the following statements:

  • In a galvanic cell anode is –ve and cathode is +ve
  • From a concentration cell, emf is available only as long as the electrolytes differ in their concentrations
  • NH4NO3 or KCl is used for preparing salt bridge

b) For the cell Sn/Sn2+ (0.15M)//Ag+(0.3M)/Ag write the cell reaction and calculate the emf of the cell at 298 K, if the standard electrode potentials of Sn and Ag electrodes are -0.14 and 0.8V respectively.

Question 3:

a) Define Standard electrode potential. Explain the origin of electrode potential.

b)A cell is constructed by coupling a zinc electrode dipped in 0.5M ZnSO4 and a nickel electrode dipped in 0.05M NiSO4. Write the cell representation and cell reaction. Calculate the EMF of the cell, given that standard reduction potential of Zn and Ni as -0.76 and -0.25V respectively.

Question 4:

a) Explain the construction and working of a glass electrode with a neat diagram.
b) Explain the measurement of pH of a solution using glass electrode.

Question 5:

a) Define a concentration cell. Explain the working of a concentration cell with an example.
b) The emf of the cell Ag/AgNO3 (0.05M)// AgNO3 (xM)/Ag is 0.12 V at 250 C. Find the value of x.

Question 1: Explain the construction and working of Calomel electrode.

Question 2: Derive an expression for the electrode potential of a glass electrode.

Question 3: What are ion selective electrodes? Explain the working principle of an ion selective electrode.

Question 4: Explain the construction and working of Silver-Silver chloride electrode.

Question 5: What are the advantages and disadvantages of glass electrode?

Question 6: Two copper electrodes placed in copper sulphate solutions of equal concentration are connected to form a concentration cell. (1) What is the cell voltage? (2) If one of the solutions is diluted until the concentration of Cu2+ ions is 1/5th of its original value, what will be the cell voltage after dilution? 

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Chemistry: Polymers-solar energy-cells
Reference No:- TGS01927

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