
polygon rendering and ray tracing methodsin

Polygon Rendering and Ray Tracing Methods

In previous section we had discussed various methods for visible-surface detection, although in order to produce visibility the presence of light is one of the essential needs. It is clear, without light and the interaction of light along with objects; we would never notice anything in any way. A study of the properties of light and how it interacts with the surfaces of objects is thus very important in generating realistic images in Computer Graphics. Thus before identifying the production of images to be utilized in animation or the other application it is worth studying several of the fundamental properties of light and colour and also to initiate the modeling of the interaction of light along with surfaces in Computer Graphics since attainment of realism is one of the fundamental motives of computer graphics and without identifying the effect of light similar cannot be attained.

From Principle Physics we can derive a model that termed as "illumination models", of how light reflects by surfaces and generates what we perceive as color. In common, light leaves several light sources, for instant: a lamp or the sun, and is reflected by some surfaces and so finally reflected to our eyes, or via an image plane of a camera. In generally the process of reflection, scattering by the objects in the path of light rays there is all times creation of shadows and shades along with varying levels of intensities; this idea of shading is very significant in computer graphics since it also contributes to the realism of the scene beneath preparation. Ray tracing is one of the exercises executed to attain the realism in a scene. In easy terms Ray Tracing is a global lighting based rendering method utilized for generating views of a virtual 3- dimensional scene upon a computer. Ray tracing is intimately allied to, and such is an extension of, ray casting, a general hidden-surface removal process. This tries to mimic real physical effects related with the propagation of light. Ray tracing handles shadows, multiple texture mapping and Specular reflections in a extremely simple straightforward way. In this section we have a section offered to Ray tracing where we intend to notify you how the fundamental ray tracing algorithm works. We will acquire a easy approach for the explanation of the concept, ignoring the mathematical perspective that is traditionally utilized on the subject. This is intended mainly to inform the curious, quite than to teach the ambitious.

Objectives of Polygon Rendering and Ray Tracing Methods:

After going through this section, you should be capable to:

  • Illustrate types of light sources and their effects;
  • Discuss Illumination model and various reflections covered in this model;
  • Discuss the idea of shading and its kinds and
  • Illustrate the concept of Ray tracing and algorithms utilized.

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Computer Graphics: polygon rendering and ray tracing methodsin
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