
Political theorist and founder of the global parliament of

Question: "Globalization" Team Case Study

Objective: Political Theorist and founder of the Global Parliament of Mayors, Benjamin Barber argues that globalization is "pressing nations into one homogeneous global theme park";others propose that globalization results in more diversity in communities. Robertson suggests that it is not an either/or situation, instead ‘glocalization,' which he defines as "a complex interaction of the global and local characterized by cultural borrowing," occurs.Your team assignment is to research and develop a presentation that focuses on a particular businessthat illustratesprocesses of glocalization.

What are you (and your team) going to do?

1. Each team will select a company to research and identify three countries where it has a presence. Try to select countries from different regions.

2. Each student will complete a country report as explained below. Then, each team member will research the company in one of those countries.

3. The team will come together to prepare a presentation that talks about local adaptations that company has made in each of those countries.

Part I: Complete Country Report: Individual Part-10 Minute Presentation (each team will present together)

1. Each team member should research one of the countries identified by your team.Using google, on-line newspapers and magazines, business articles. Identify at least three articles and/or websites that you will use in this report. ALTHOUGH THIS PART IS TO BE COMPLETED BY EACH INDIVIDUAL TEAM MEMBER, THERE MUST BE COMMUNICATION WITH THE TEAM THROUGHOUT THE PROJECT.

2. Research the country and write a report that includes the following information:

A. Geographic Location and Characteristics.

Describe the location and region in which your country is located. Use a map to assist you in explaining its location, its physical geography, its climate, and pinpoint (and describe) a few of important/significant places (i.e. historical, cultural places).

B. Demography

Describe the countries demographics. In addition to a population pyramid, include the country's Human Development Index (HDI), literacy rate, life expectancy, infant mortality rate, and urban population.

C. Economic and Political Situation

Describe the country's political and situation and answer the following questions: What is the dominant political system? Are there political parties and are parties important? Is there freedom of the press? How stable is the government? What's the economic situation?

D. Religion, Language, and Ethnicity

Explain the major religions in the country. How important is religion? Are there any religious or ethnic conflicts in the country? What languages are spoken?

E. Environmental conditions, Issues

Explain the environmental concerns and issues in the country such as water issues, air and water pollution,...

Part II: 1. Your team must research a company which has established its presence in the countries reported on by team members. The primary objective here is to use the information revealed in the country reports to explain how the business has adapted to the social/cultural, economic, physical, and political environment of the country.

2. Your team will choose one of the countries for the second part of the project.

What steps are necessary to complete this research?

1. Research this business on the internet for some background information (e.g. brief history of industry and company, size of company, expansion of business overseas, and so forth). Explain what specific global processes (information from part I along with any other possible factors) have led to the international expansion of the business. Remember to copy information needed to credit and cite the webpage, documents, photos used.

2. Review ALL information collected by team members.

Research what the business has done to adapt to this overseas location. These adaptations could be modifying a suite of products or services, marketing to a particular demographic, and/or changing business practices, among others. Find photos, tables, and graphs that support your explanation.

3. Develop a presentation which your team will present to the class. This is a formal presentation - spend time on it.

What should your team include in the presentation (minimum 15 slides)?- Maximum 20 minutes for the presentation

1. Introduce your team. Note team name and all members participating in this project.

2. Purpose:What is the purpose of the presentation? How are you going to support your thesis?

3. Provide background: Discuss how this business became a global enterprise. Here a map might be used to illustrate locations where this business has established a presence (e.g. franchise, store, product presence).

4. Describe study areas: Identify and briefly describe the countries selected.Summarize your country reports here.

5. Meat of the presentation: Detail localadaptations to the countries. How isglocalizationobserved at a specific location?Provide at least four well-thought ways that the business has adapted to thedifferent local environments. Provide an example of each type of adaption. (For example, offering food items that incorporate local taste would be one type of adaption and then you would provide examples of food items with explanation.) Then, explain how the business benefited from adapting to the locality.(Pictures are helpful.)

6. Conclude your presentation by providing your team's thoughts on the article. Your conclusion should answer the following questions.

• Why should we be interested inglobalization/glocalization?

• What is the take away for businesses expanding overseas?In other words, what could a business learn from your example?

7. Offer a team reflection: How did your team work together on this project? What worked/not? Reflect on how your team dynamics changed over the entire semester.

8. Include articles/websites cited at end using APA or MLA format.

What do you need to submit?

Each student will present a one page information facts about their country of research.

Team needs to upload the presentation on eLearn.

Your team should do practice and prepare a presentation in class.

How will your presentation be evaluated?

1. Analysis: Offers a thoughtful, insightful analysis of the problem.

2. Evidence: Provides evidence to support the analysis and conclusions.

3. Completeness: All elements of the questions are addressed.

4. Well-organized: Sequence is logical and easy to follow.

5. Clearly written: Writing is understandable, succinct, with no distracting spelling or grammatical problems.

6. Oral Communication: Team knows who will speak/when. Clearly practiced. Ready for questions.

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Dissertation: Political theorist and founder of the global parliament of
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