Political role of communication
Communication has an Important role in political and social awakening. During our freedomstruggle, the leaders communicated with the people directly. They had no access to the A. India Radio because it was controlled by the British Government, which was, in fact, trying to underplay and suppress the freedom struggle. There was no TV. Newspaper reporting varied. Only a small number of dailies defied the government of the day. But through personal contacts and mass meetings, besides the use of national symbols like the tri-colourthe charkha and patriotic songs, our leaders were able to stir the conscience of our people allover the sub-continent. Mass contacts and inter-personal communication were at their best.
They proved as the most effective means of inspiring the people to participate in the freedom movement and to make supreme sacrifices. After Independence we, in our Constitution, accepted the principle of adult franchise.
Thus, every citizen participates in the election of people's representatives to these bodies which formulate.programmes and policies, They enact laws. The governments, whether in the states or at the centre, have to get their programmes and enactments approved by the legislatures. At the time of elections, each adult can decidewhom to vote for. Hc or she can vote in favour of a party candidate or an independent. The parties and individual candidates launch election campaigns during which they explain their stand on the most important public issues. They also make several promises. All this constitutes political communication and it enables the voter to make his choice.