Using four academic resources trace the development of ONE of the following social, political or economic movements/events:
- Anti-Vietnam Protests of the 60-70s
- Global warming and the environment
- Gun Control Issues
- The Internet and Citizen Rights
- Cyber Espionage
- Presidental Executive Authority
- War on Terrorism
- Oliver North and the Iran-Contra Scandal
- Russia, US, and Cold War Politics today
- Texas Open-carry Gun Movement
Address the following questions in your essay:
What various strategies were adopted by movement/political leaders?
How did activists/leaders bring the movement/event to national attention?
What was the federal government’s support or non-support of this movement/event?
What role did the federal government play in the event/movement?
What successes were achieved by this event/movement?
Where applicable, why did the movement eventually lose momentum or is it still a work in progress?
Where applicable, what was the long range effect of the movement/event on present day events?
Essay: a minimum of 1,000 words, not counting a work cited page in MLA format, no cover page needed, put your name in header.