
Polish the issues found by smoothing out your language


Revise your expository essay using the feedback received from your instructor on your outline and first draft.

Review the media piece The Writing Process to help you refine and finalize your essay.

Review the rubric for this assignment to ensure you have completed all necessary components of your essay.

Your final draft should be at least 750-1,000 words.

Complete the following before submitting your final essay:

Read your paper aloud (to yourself or someone else) to "hear" issues with your grammar and sentence structure.

Polish the issues found by smoothing out your language.

Run spellcheck and grammar check (as a backup) before submitting the final draft. Make any necessary changes to address spelling or grammar issues.

Properly cite your sources both in-text and in the References section at the end of your paper. (The Reference Page is the last page of your paper and should ONLY contain references. If you cited the work in the paper; the reference needs to be included. If you did not use the reference in your paper, then do not include the reference.)

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Other Subject: Polish the issues found by smoothing out your language
Reference No:- TGS01941645

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