
Policy of prohibiting all forms of solicitation

During an organizing campaign, outside organizers may not solicit on premises if a company has an existing policy of prohibiting all forms of solicitation and if that policy has been enforced consistently.
True False
2. Since OSHA is a federally run program, states are not allowed to develop and administer their own programs, even if they are approved by the secretary of labor.
True False FALSE 593

3. Malfunctioning machinery is the most common cause of workplace injury, followed by slips, strains, sprains, and falls.
True False
4. Whereas male midlife crises are more likely to begin with family events or problems, women's are more likely to be driven by work or career issues.
True False

5. While the Americans with Disabilities Act protects rehabilitated alcohol and drug abusers from discrimination in employment, it also explicitly allows employers to hold alcohol or drug abusing employees to the same standards of performance and conduct that are set for other employees.
True False TRUE 611

6. Management controls attempt to eliminate unsafe work conditions.
True False

7. Most authorities agree that it is best to terminate an employee on Fridays.
True False

8. Both the demand for and the supply of older workers will continue to expand.
True False

9. ERISA does not require employers to offer a pension plan.
True False page 470

10. For most organizations, the most important thing they can do to ensure procedural justice is to provide individuals and groups the capacity to receive punitive damages.
True False

11. While a generous pension plan may help to retain employees, it probably does little to motivate them to perform on a day-to-day basis.
True False

12. Evidence now shows that inferior performance by a firm is associated with a lack of fit between its pay policy and its business strategy.
True False

13. Accident rates are substantially higher during the first month of employment than in all subsequent time periods, regardless of age.
True False

14. Evidence indicates that U.S.-based multinationals actually do not perform better when they have CEOs with international assignment experience.
True False

15. With respect to layoffs, generous benefits provided to victims tend to be associated with higher intentions to quit on the part of survivors.
True False

16. Workers will vote against unions if they feel unions abuse their power by calling strikes or having fat-cat leaders who selfishly promote their own interests at the expense of members' interests.
True False

17. Strikers engaged in activities that are not protected by law must still be rehired after the strike.
True False

18. Under COBRA, following a worker's death or divorce, the employee's family has the right to buy group-rate health insurance for as long as three years.
True False

19. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act makes it unlawful to discharge, demote, suspend, threaten, harass, or in any manner discriminate against a whistle-blower.
True False

20. Under the Fair Labor Standards Act, overtime pay is required for exempt as well as nonexempt jobs.
True False

21. Today, career development and success is increasingly being defined in terms of occupational advancement which is clear and easy to measure.
True False

22. Although disability benefits traditionally were divided into salary continuation, short-term disability, and long-term disability, combined disability management programs now merge all three.
True False

23. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act has eliminated mandatory retirement at any age.
True False

24. Unions tend to oppose individual piece-rate systems because they pit worker against worker and can create unfavorable intergroup conflict.
True False

25. Modern EAPs are comprehensive management tools that address behavioral risks in the workplace by extending professional counseling and medical service to all troubled employees.
True False

26. It is common practice for companies to pay for security guards in many overseas locations, such as in Middle Eastern countries, in the Philippines, and in Indonesia.
True False

27. In the unionized firm, managers must deal with the union as well as directly with employees on many issues.
True False

28. Skill-based plans are usually applied to "white-collar" work and competencies to "blue-collar" work.
True False

29. An effective way to train employees to adapt is to expose them to situations like they will encounter in their assignments that require adaptation.
True False

30. A work stoppage by employees must be the result of a secret ballot election and not in violation of an existing agreement between management and the union.
True False

31. If competitors' pay decisions determine a company's pay structure, then the level of pay or the mix of pay forms is no longer a source of potential competitive advantage.
True False

32. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act, Title VII, and the Americans with Disabilities Act apply to United States citizens employed abroad.
True False

33. An ombudsperson is a neutral facilitator between employees and managers who assists them in resolving workplace disputes.
True False

34. Employers who want help in recognizing and correcting safety and health hazards can get it from a free, onsite consultation service funded by OSHA.
True False

35. The perceived value of benefits rises when employers introduce choice through a flexible benefits package.
True False
37. According to the red-hot-stove rule, discipline should be immediate, with warning, consistent, and personal.
True False

38. Providing family benefits promotes a dedicated, loyal workforce among people who benefit directly from the policies, as well as from those who do not.
True False

39. The gap between a CEO's pay and the wages of employees has narrowed in the United States.
True False
60. Which theory in labor economics holds that unless an employee can produce a value equal to the value received in wages, it will not be worthwhile to hire that worker?
A. Theory of value
B. Credibility theory
C. Tournament theory
D. Marginal productivity theory

61. Which of the following is NOT important in assessing where you are in your career?
A. Always be aware of opportunities available to you in your current position.
B. Carefully and honestly assess your current performance.
C. Try to recognize when you and your organization have outlived your utility for each other.
D. Never accept short-term trade-offs for long-term benefits.

66. Which of the following is NOT an area of payment covered by workers' compensation?
A. Payments to employers while injured workers are recovering
B. Payments to replace lost wages
C. Medical treatment and rehabilitation costs
D. Retraining to perform a different type of work

67. In selecting a field of employment and an employer, all of the following guidelines should be followed EXCEPT:
A. you cannot manage your career unless you have a focused, immediate objective.
B. view every potential employer and position in terms of your long-range career goal.
C. accept short-term trade-offs for long-term benefits.
D. consider carefully whether to accept highly specialized or isolated job assignments that might restrict/impede your career development.

68. An employer awarding an employee's exceptional performance with a small, one-time bonus shortly after the noteworthy actions is a:
A. lump-sum bonus.
B. spot bonus.
C. surprise bonus.
D. competency-based bonus.

69. Which of the following is NOT a way in which to kick off an organizing campaign?
A. Employees themselves begin it.
B. National and international unions contact employees in organizations that have been targeted for organizing.
C. Management steps in and provides relevant information to the employees.
D. Employees request that a union begin one for them.

70. All state workers' compensation laws share all of the following features EXCEPT:
A. all job-related injuries and illnesses are covered.
B. coverage is provided regardless of who caused the injury.
C. a worker's loss is usually covered fully by the insurance program.
D. payments are usually made through an insurance program.

71. In regard to pensions, employees who have not worked at a company long enough to be _____ are not entitled to any benefits.
A. vested
B. promoted
C. given a performance review
D. join the union
91. The concept of employer-sponsored dependent care has been expanded to include what four things?
92. Give at least two reasons why safety rules may not be obeyed.
93. What is the most persuasive reason for helping employees manage their own careers?
94. What is the cause of 81 percent of relocation refusals?
95. What are the three elements of the ARM concept?
96. Why do many companies offer domestic partner benefits, regardless of the employee's sexual orientation and marital status?
97. In recent years, unions have lost power as a result of six interrelated factors. Name three.
98. What are the four illegal management activities that TIPS stands for?
99. What is the biggest hurdle to overcome in pay-for-performance plans?

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Other Subject: Policy of prohibiting all forms of solicitation
Reference No:- TGS0150423

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