
Policy in relation to the global issue of refuge

Asylum seeker policy in relation to the global issue of refugees, how this issue relates to the Australian identity


I specifically want this essay to be written in my style. I do not want to be a High Distinction graded type, but good enough that I would have written the assignment. For the references, I want some Sociology ones, and 7 journal articles of the 10, and no wiki sites. I especially want Australian style grammar and speclling please, and written within a sociological imagination framework: History, Structural, Cultural and Critical as part of the assignment requirements. Here are the requirements:

This assessment builds on your understanding of Australian identity as a social construct (learning objective 1) and the social, cultural and economic forces which shape it (learning objective 2) by exploring Australian identity in a globalising world. It asks you to look at the role of the state (and government policy) and mass media in the marginalising of minority groups (learning objective 4).

This assessment requires you to undertake a media search on a global issue that impacts on Australia and write a sociologically informed essay about it in relation to Australian identity. Your essay will be based on the collection of data from media sources like major daily newspapers. There are a range of possible topics here and you may choose your own in consultation with a lecturer but, if you are uncertain, then we suggest you focus on one of the following:

* Indigenous rights in Australia in relation to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

* Asylum seeker policy in relation to the global issue of refugees

Your essay should identify key themes in the portrayal of various minority groups, identify the type of images, and which ‘voices’ are being presented to explore the processes of ‘othering’ that are central to identity production. In order to achieve this you will need to:

* scan relevant media (newspapers, databases etc) to identify a global issue

* research the primary literature to locate relevant current primary sources (journal articles written in the last 10 years)

* prepare an essay written in your own words that makes effective use of the sources of information.

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Other Subject: Policy in relation to the global issue of refuge
Reference No:- TGS01613176

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