
Policy analysis of the affordable care law


Policy Analysis of the Affordable Care Law

For your project, analyze the Affordable Care Law in a 9 to 10 page paper not including the title or references pages. In your analysis you will need to address the following:

  • How all three branches of government were involved in its creation, and the issues associated with their involvement.
  • The role of public opinion and lobbying groups and their impact on the laws development
  • The balance of markets and their participation in the program
  • The concepts of equity, efficiency, and effectiveness and their role in the law and its passage
  • The initial anticipated effects on cost, quality, and access and whether the projections were correct or incorrect
  • The anticipated effects on Medicare and the aging as well as Medicaid and the poor.

Your paper must utilize 4 to 5 scholarly sources from the CSU-Global Library. You may not use the required readings from the course. You may use sources from reliable public media.


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Business Management: Policy analysis of the affordable care law
Reference No:- TGS01809074

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