
Police and criminal evidence act

Write a paper discussing Police and Criminal Evidence Act (PACE) in approximately 3 Pages (750 words) using Oxford paper style using OSCOLA References along with Course work format.

1. Michael arrived at the Underground station on his way home from the gym. PC Slough was there and he stopped Michael and asked him to open up the rucksack he was carrying. Michael said "Why?" PC Slough said to him "You are not co-operating with me so I shall have to take you to the police station". On the way to the police station, PC Slough opened Michael's bag and found amongst the training clothes, a packet of white pills.

At the police station, PC Slough told the Custody Office that Michael had been arrested on suspicion of possessing illegal substances. The Custody Officer told Michael that a solicitor would be called and, in the meantime, he would be kept in a police cell. It was a busy Friday night. Michael was kept in the cell without food or water to drink from 9.30 pm until 11 am the next morning. He was worried about what his family would be thinking. Finally, the Custody Sergeant came and told him that no solicitor was available and Michael would be interviewed without one.

The police officer said to Michael that if he confessed to having illegal drugs, a lot of time would be saved as no tests on the substance need be carried out and Michael could be released on bail.  However, he wanted to get home to rest and then to go into work, so he confessed. He was given bail and told to attend court in four weeks' time.

Michael now consults you as he wishes to withdraw his confession. Advise Michael as to his possible legal position.

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Reference No:- TGS01238168

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