
Poject - for ee4tk4 digital communication systems -


Channel Capacity for SISO Rayleigh Fading Channels for Binary PSK Modulation

Project aims to

  • understand the basic concepts of the entropy, differential entropy and mutual information
  • be proficient at using commonly-used binary PSK modulation and the Gaussian distribution.
  • develop the ability to optimize mutual information subject to binary PSK modulation for a SISO Rayleigh fading channel.


Let us consider a wireless communication system having a single transmitting antenna and single receiving antennas with flat fading, i.e, single input and single output (SISO). For such a system, the discrete-time baseband-equivalent channel model can be represented as

Y = HX + η,                                                   (1)

where H is the real channel coefficient from the transmitter to the receiver. Now, our transmission and reception schemes are described as follows. During the first time slot, one bit training signal X = √(PT) is sent for transmission to estimate the channel using the least square error (LSE) criterion, i.e.,

yT = H√(Pt) + ηT

Hˆ = arg minH|yt - H√(Pt)|                             (2)

During the second time slot, the signal X = x is randomly chosen from the binary PSK constellation X = {-A/2, A/2} for transmission through the channel model (1), i.e.,

yD = Hx + ηD

where P(X = - A/2) = p and P(X = A/2) = q = 1 - p. Then, using the estimate of channel h obtained from (2), we attempt to recover the transmitted data x, i.e.,

y = Hˆx + ξ                                                   (3)

where ξ is related to x, ηT and ηD. In this project, we make the following assumption:

  • The channel coefficient H is not known at the receiver and constant during two time slots, after which it randomly changes to a new independent value that is fixed for another two time slots, and so on.
  • ηT and ηD are independently Gaussian distributed with each having zero mean and variance σ2.
  • h is Rayleigh distributed., i.e., the probability density function of h is fH(h) = 2he-h^2, h ≥ 0.

Project is to seek for a solution to the following problem:

Problem 1: For each signal to noise ratio SNR = 1/σ2, find optimal input probability popt(SNR) and signal transmission power PD,opt(SNR) that maximize mutual information I(X; Y ) subject a total power constraint PT + PD = 1. In addition, draw two curves: PD,opt(SNR) vs SNR (dB) and the channel capacity C(SNR) = max I(X; Y ) vs SNR (dB).

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Other Engineering: Poject - for ee4tk4 digital communication systems -
Reference No:- TGS02544658

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