

a). Produce boxplots to compare the selection times for each participant. Comment on what they reveal. Also identify (by initial) which participant took the longest and which took the shortest time to make their decisions.

b). Conduct a one-way ANOVA to assess whether the data provide evidence there
are some difference among the participants in terms of their selection times. Do the diagnostic plots and see if there is any problem with the model.
c). Transform the selection times using the natural log. Redo the one-way ANOVA
and diagnostic plots. See if the conditions are better satisfied.

d). Report the ANOVA table, F-statistic, and p-value of the model after
transformation. Summarize your conclusion.

e). Use the Fisher's LSD procedure to assess which participants' average selection

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Applied Statistics: Poduceboxplotstocomparetheselectiontimesforeach
Reference No:- TGS0949085

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