
Podcast of reintroducing a predator species


Below is the scenario for this discussion - you will be creating either a podcast or a video of yourself, as if you were standing at a podium at the public meeting that represents the stakeholder you choose.

Scenario: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is supporting a proposal by the National Park Service to reintroduce wolves in (the fictitious) Predator National Park in the (fictitious) State of Controversy, USA. The plan calls for the establishment of five wolf packs that will eventually roam over 1/3 of the State, 80% of which is private land. A public hearing has been called to get input from citizens and groups on this reintroduction.

You will take on the role of a stakeholder in this debate. Choose any stakeholder you desire (e.g., rancher, hunter, wolf researcher, environmental group representative, Farm Bureau representative, politician, hiker, etc.). Use your initial post to share the link for your podcast or video that states your position on the proposed reintroduction. Use audio or video responses to debate the positions of at least 2 other stakeholders.

Your audio or video MUST be your own voice and face (if video) and must be at least 3-5 minutes long. Be creative! I would also encourage you to do some research on the wolf reintroduction in Yellow stone National Park for ideas. Challenge yourself - consider taking a position contrary to what you would naturally take (e.g. put yourself in someone else's shoes).

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the public hearing on the reintroduction of wolves into Predator National Park. The floor is now open for submission of comments."

Remember to cite sources if you used them as the basis of your comments/post (post these in the text section under your audio or video link).

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Biology: Podcast of reintroducing a predator species
Reference No:- TGS03156181

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