Assignment task:
Podcast Interview on Social Justice and Human Rights in Specific Healthcare Fields
In this Competency Assessment, you will explore principles of the professional-patient relationship that support social justice and human rights in the field of healthcare in which the you work (e.g., nutrition, respiratory health, nursing, social work, and counseling).
You will complete a Podcast Planning document to develop your background knowledge on core principles of professional-patient relationships for integrating social justice and human rights into practice. Your preparation is for an interview with a professional (whom you will select) to speak expertly on these topics as they apply to your specific field. This interview will be the basis of a podcast you will create for a potential audience of colleagues in your field.
Note: Only your Instructor will review the podcast for this Competency Assessment.
To Prepare:
1. Access the Podcast Planning template document, which you will complete as one of three submissions for this Competency Assessment.
2. Access and review the Guidelines for Creating a Podcast PDF document.
3. As you follow the podcast guidelines, keep these requirements in mind:
- Select an expert in your healthcare facility or another facility or institution to interview for the podcast. Be sure the individual knows the purpose of the podcast and formally agrees to be recorded.
- Develop three to five (3-5) key open-ended questions, plus follow-up questions, to ask your expert. Research to ensure you are prepared to discuss key topics. The Module 1 and Module 2 Learning Resources and questions in the Podcast Planning template document will help you develop knowledge of the topics and prepare your questions.
- Set ground rules with the expert, such as agreement on sharing questions in advance; posing follow-up questions; and taking a conversational tone to inform and interest an audience.
- Plan your interview to meet the podcast length of 5-7 minutes. A sample script outline is included in the guidelines.
To Complete the Competency Assessment:
Follow the three steps below to create the three required submissions for your Competency Assessment.
Step 1: Using the Podcast Planning template document, address the following:
Podcast Planning: Part 1-Identify Your Expert and Interview Purpose
- Identify an expert in your healthcare field to interview for a podcast on core principles of professional-patient relationships that support integrating social justice and human rights into practice. Provide a brief profile of the expert to justify your choice.
- Explain the purpose of your podcast interview (i.e., to inform, persuade, or provide how-to strategies) and your reasoning. Need Assignment Help?
Podcast Planning: Part 2-Investigate Interview Topics: Examining Principles of Professional-Patient Relationships
- Explain principles of professional-patient relationships that guide your work as a healthcare professional. Be specific and provide examples.
- Explain one (1) or more principles you would follow to lead a healthcare team to meet the needs of diverse patients. Include how you would persuade others to follow your lead.
- Explain your concept of the therapeutic relationship in healthcare practice.
- Explain how more attention to specific principles of professional-patient relationships can enhance a positive therapeutic relationship or convert a negative relationship into a positive one. Provide examples.
Podcast Planning: Part 3-Investigate Interview Topics: Integrating Social Justice and Human Rights into Practice
- How can DEI advocacy work both for and against social justice and human rights? Include an example with particular meaning to you.
- In places where there is resistance to DEI, how can healthcare professionals in your field work around those restrictions? Explain a strategy you have read or your own idea.
- Explain your concept of positive change to improve social justice and human rights in healthcare.
- Explain two (2) SMART goals for affecting positive change in your community, institution, and/or workplace that improves healthcare practice. Include steps you can take toward meeting your goals.
Podcast Planning: Part 4-Develop Interview Questions and Key Takeaways
- Develop three to five (3-5) key questions to ask your expert (identified in Part 1) that align with the purpose of your podcast (identified in Part 1) on core principles of professional-patient relationships that support integrating social justice and human rights into practice.
- Draft at least one (1) follow-up question on key topics for more details from the expert or to expand on a topic.
- Identify at least two (2) key takeaways that you aim for listeners to gain from the podcast interview. Explain your thinking.
Step 2: Record the podcast interview of 5-7 minutes in length.
Step 3: Create a transcript of the podcast to comply with ADA guidelines.