
Pm5018 project management foundations homework

PM5018 Project Management Foundations Homework: Staffing and Communications Management Plan- Capella University

Using a provided template and a word-processing application, develop a staffing management plan and a communications management plan for a given scenario or a real-world project of your choice. Use the PMBOK Guide as the model for this homework.


This portfolio work project, a staffing and communications management plan, is based on your selected business or IT project. You will base your homework on the Cosmo, Inc. case study By definition, communication management "describes how, when and by whom information about the project will be administered and disseminated" (Project Management Institute, 2017, p. 569).

When dealing with human resource management in projects, we are attending to the methods that assist in organizing and managing project team members. Team members involved are aligned to roles and responsibilities that ensure the venture is successful. It is important that team members are also involved in various parts of the project, such as planning and decision making.

Challenges can occur when dealing with project team members, especially when a key player quits or is moved to another project. In this situation, the project manager needs to make sure that there is a backup team member who can take over the tasks quickly. This is to ensure that the triple constraints (time, cost, and scope) are not affected enough to negatively influence the outcome of the project.

The staffing management plan must address the areas that need to be included and how they should be implemented to ensure the project is successful. The management plan links individual success to team success, and thus, to project success.

This document is a planning tool used to define, develop, monitor, and control the project requirements. The scope management plan is an important planning document because effective scope management is necessary for project success.


Project Management Institute. Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) - Sixth Edition and Agile Practice Guide. Newtown Square. PA. 2017.


For this homework review Cosmo INC

o Cosmo INC: Based on the analysis completed by a task force at Cosmo, Inc., the marketing department must develop, implement, and test a new marketing campaign focused on maintaining current customer levels and increasing their customer base through the utilization of new technology. Refer to the Cosmo, Inc. Case Study [DOC] document for more information.


Microsoft Project is the recommended software tool for this course due to its wide industry acceptance and its use in many project management professional roles.

If you encounter any difficulties in the download and installation process, post a detailed question in the Ask Your Faculty Discussion in the menu dropdown when you click the image of your faculty. They should be able to help you or point you in the right direction for the answers you need.

Using Project in this course helps prepare you for future professional PM roles and responsibilities. Please use Project for tasks the software supports. If you have access to other tools such as Microsoft Visio, PowerPoint, and Word, or other project management software you believe may still meet the requirements of this course, please discuss your selected alternative with faculty.
Use the PMBOK® Guide as the model for developing the deliverables.

Part A: Staffing Management Plan

The staffing management plan document should contain the following components (at minimum):

1. Describe staff acquisition needs and process.
2. Explain training needs.
3. Detail recognition and rewards.
4. Create an organizational chart.
5. Identify and analyze stakeholders to include their level of engagement and interest in the project.
6. Develop a timetable.
7. Describe release criteria.
8. Explain the safety component.

Part B: Communications Management Plan

1. Develop a communications management plan to be distributed to the stakeholders of the project.

2. You may choose to use the Communications Plan [DOC] template or devise your own document to complete this homework.

3. The document should be succinct and contain the following components (at minimum):

a. Provide project specific information including project name, sponsor name and project manager.

b. Provide a narrative introduction describing the objectives, stakeholders, and topics related to project communications.

c. Complete the Communication matrix.


Use the software of your choice to develop the deliverables for this homework.

This homework has two parts and two deliverables:

• Part I: Develop a staffing management plan document using your choice of word-processing applications, including Microsoft Word.

• Part II: Using the Communications Plan [DOC] template or a document you make yourself, include the following in your project communication management plan.


By successfully completing this homework, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies through corresponding scoring guide criteria:

I. Competency I: Lead and manage teams, users, stakeholders, and sponsors.

1. Describe staff acquisition requirements, process, training needs, and recognition and rewards.

2. Create an organizational chart to identify and analyze stakeholders (their level of engagement and interest in the project).

3. Develop a timetable for the project.

4. Describe release criteria.

5. Explain the safety component.

II. Competency II: Communicate with project stakeholders and sponsors.

1. Describe the communication form and frequency requirements and expectations.

2. Describe communication responsibilities of team members.

3. Explain the purpose and rationale of the communications management plan.

Faculty will use the scoring guide to review your deliverable as if they were your immediate supervisor. Review the scoring guide prior to developing and submitting your homework.


This portfolio work project demonstrates your competency in applying knowledge and skills required of a learner in the workplace. Include this in your personal ePortfolio.

Format your homework according to the give formatting requirements:

1. The answer must be double spaced, typed, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

2. The response also includes a cover page containing the title of the homework, the course title, the student's name, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

3. Also include a reference page. The references and Citations should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

Attachment:- Cosmo-Business-Case.rar

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