
Plot the input and output voltage waveforms of each of the


Pre-Lab Report

Assume Vγ =0.6 V for all diodes, and assume the zener diode is ideal (rz = 0, Vγ.= 0.6 V).

1. Analyze circuits given in Fig. 1, Fig. 2, Fig. 3 (shown in next page). Explain and "EXPLICITLY STATE" ALL the status, assumptions, and applicable laws (theorems) that have been used in the analysis. Plot the input and output voltage waveforms.

a. Consider three different operating regions for diode(s) including "forward bias", "reverse bias", and "cut-off" region.

2. Use PSPICE to plot the input and output voltage waveforms of the circuits. Compare the results with your experimental results in lab.

Final Lab Report

Plot the input and output voltage waveforms of each of the circuits shown below. Explain your results (max, min, dc offset, reasons etc.) in detail and compare them to the predictions from the prelab. You can also use 1N4001 instead of 1N4148.


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Electrical Engineering: Plot the input and output voltage waveforms of each of the
Reference No:- TGS02461470

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