Learning objectives:
Create (and call) a simple function file. Create (and call) a simple anonymous function. Use an anonymous function to create a function with one parameter from a function with multiple parameters.
Matlab commands you will need; these are highlighted in bold in the instructions below: function [output] = functionname(input1, input2)
What the function does; make sure to set output end
functionName = @(input1, input2) code; - anonymous function declaration fplot( function, start, stop ); - plot the function from start to stop axis equal - make sure the aspect ratio of the two axes are the same (ie, a circle will show up as a circle, not a squashed ellipse).
1) Plot the days to pay off the turbine versus the percentage the wind turbine is on. Create functions to: convert from kw to dollars, calculate the amount of electricity produced given the percentage on and the efficiency of the wind turbine, and calculate the number of days needed to pay off the turbine. Plot twice, once with plot to make the markers, and once with fplot to create the blue line.
function [ dollars ] = KWtoDollars( kw, kwCostInDollars )
function [ kWHPerDay ] = ElectricityPerTurbinePerDay( percentageOn, electricityProducedPKWh )
function [ daysToPayOff ] = DaysToPayOff( percOn, cost, kwProduced, kwCostInDollars )
2) There are two provided functions that are more "realistic" models of how often the wind blows over the course of the year, and usage rates. Plot these two functions (first two plots below). Then, plot the amount of money made per day, with the following twist: If the turbine generates more electricity than is used that day, then the power company will pay you and extra .1 over the given price per kw hour.
3) Print out the number of years needed to break even, approximately, using the values you created in problem 2.
Number of years needed to pay off: 2X.XX
Attachment:- Lab Functions.rar