
Plot the bode straight-line approximation phase plot ie ff

Consider a transfer function (H(s)) that has a double pole at zero, a single pole at negative 1000, a single zero at negative 100 and a gain of 250.
A) Express H(jf) in standard form for drawing a Bode plot.
B) Plot the Bode straight-line approximation for the log-magnitude (LM) response of H(jf) over the range f = 10 rad/s to f = 100 krad/s using the 4-cycle semi-log graph paper. Label all slopes in dB/oct or dB/dec and all levels in dB.
C) Plot the Bode straight-line approximation phase plot (i.e., f(f) vs. f) for the transfer function over the range f = 10 rad/s to f = 100 krad/s using the 4-cycle semi-log graph paper provided. Label all slopes in degrees/dec and all levels in degrees.

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Electrical Engineering: Plot the bode straight-line approximation phase plot ie ff
Reference No:- TGS0585723

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