
Plot a graph representing heat flux through the window

Sufficient heating systems must be developed for a manned mission to the surface of Mars. Indeed, the martian surface has been estimated to reach temperatures of -150 deg C. A manned lander has been developed to land on the martian surface. the cabin possesses 10 windows, each 10'' in diameter and 70mm thick.

A)Plot a graph representing heat flux through the window as a function of window material conductivity for the range of 0.01W/mK

B) If the temperature on the external surface of the landers window is -80 deg C, how much heat will an internal heating unit need to emit in order to compensate for the heat lost by these 10 windows? The emmisivity constant of these windows is 0.7. Hint: The atmosphere at the Martian surface closely resembles a vacuum.

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Mechanical Engineering: Plot a graph representing heat flux through the window
Reference No:- TGS0743034

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