
Please write me a four-section reflection on how the week

Question: Please write me a four-section reflection on how the week has gone for you. Here are three criteria of success:

- Use a visually clear layout, for example, contrasting type styles--sans serif and serif--for headings and body text. Please note that using the same size of type in a sans serif typeface (such as Arial) produces a slightly larger size for your headings than your body text.

- State your main point in your opening paragraph, followed by a SWOC blueprint (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Challenges). Please see the prompts listed below for guidance.

- Keeping in mind that we're practicing workplace writing in this course, aim for a concise document. Within each of your four main sections, however, use as many paragraphs as you have points to make. Use these paragraph breaks to reveal slight shifts in topic--that is, make only one point in each paragraph.
Attached is a same from a previous course.

- Here are prompts to help you think concretely about the week:

- What strengths have you discovered in your ability towrite Plain Language, as described by The Center for Plain Language?
lay out your writing in an inviting way?

- Place your main point early in the message?

- What weaknesses, if any, have you discovered in the above three areas?

- What opportunities do you see in your other coursework or in your workplace writing to apply what you've learned aboutPlain Language?
an inviting layout?

- Placing your main point in your subject line and early in your first paragraph?

- What challenges, from your environment or from yourself, might make using what we've worked on this week difficult?

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Dissertation: Please write me a four-section reflection on how the week
Reference No:- TGS02305831

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