
Please work on chapter of the mapuche- indigenouus people

Please work on chapter of the Mapuche- Indigenouus People of Chile., study their origin,and the Araucanian Mapuche inhabited at the time of the Spanish arrival, also, study their origin,from where they came from etc. and what is the relations with the Araucanian,as well as their relations with the Alymara and Inca people, (give their history, customs, culture, their belief, their experience and expertise if they have or from where they inherit.

Also you write about how they were conquered,and by whom?.

Also you can mention about the cosmology and belief. Also you can write about their abilities to work metals iron, metal, copper, which were the habits, customs, Also you can talk about their clothing, their abilities and what type of work women did, (their work on textile), silver finery pieces of work, and who were treated by the conqueror (the Spaniards)

Finally you can talk and write about their integration to the society, their writing or reading etc.Finally what do they have conquered in the country of Chile and what rights were able to gained.

Also you can give a paragraph about the contribution as native nation in Chile and how they respected and gained as their own right.

Please write at least minimum 2 up 3 pages double space.

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Dissertation: Please work on chapter of the mapuche- indigenouus people
Reference No:- TGS02734960

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