
Please watch the following short video from umucs


• The following task is designed to help you become familiar with UMUC's Information and Library Services. Completing this exercise might help you get started on developing a topic for the white paper.

Please watch library tutorial #1. The tutorial is linked to at the top of the list of Content items for this week.

The tutorial is designed to demonstrate some searching strategies when finding articles through OneSearch, a research tool that allows you to search on many databases at one time.

After you have watched the tutorial, please complete the following tasks. Post your responses to this conference thread.

Let us assume you work for a company that is hiring more and more employees of the millennial generation.

Your supervisor has asked you to conduct research on issues regarding employees from the millennial generation. For example, she mentions that millennial individuals may have different expectations of the work environment from those of workers from older generations. In addition, she mentions that millennials have different habits with regard to their use of technology than workers from older generations exhibit.

The instructions you have been given by your supervisor are quite broad. But let us assume that this is the directive you have been given.

For this reason, you will conduct a very general search on millennials and their work or technology habits. You are not quite sure how to focus the topic, but you know that you would like to pursue this general topic and focus it later.

1. Search on some terms and find four articles on this topic. Your search can be quite broad at this stage. Try to use some search phrases that require that you use quotation marks, as the video demonstrates.

Please write the topic on which you searched and the search terms you used to search on it.

2. In addition, for the four articles you found, please write titles of the four articles and the journals in which they appeared. You don't have to cite anything in APA format, or anything of that nature. Just post the titles and the journal names.


• Your second assignment requires you to gather sources, group them according to their themes or positions on a topic, and synthesize (blend the ideas in your sources) together in what is called a literature review.

To get you started on this task, here's an exercise for you to do:

Please watch the following short video from UMUC's Information and Library Services unit on how to write an annotated bibliography:

How to Write an Annotated Bibliography

After watching the video, please access the articles, "Communication: The Key to a Manager's Success"; "On the Page: Listening: the Foundation"; "The Art of Asking Questions" via the eReserves section in Course Content. To access the articles, please take the following steps:

-click Content
-select Class Resources
-select eReserves
-select the icon for eReserves in the middle of your page.
-in the list of items that appears, locate these articles and download them.

Imagine that these are three of your articles for your literature review. Please complete the following in responding to this discussion thread.

1. List the article in APA format, as the UMUC tutorial video describes.

2. Write a 100 word annotation of each article in which you not only summarize each article but also evaluate its theme (the main point the article tries to make).

3) Once you have your annotations done, post a paragraph in which you discuss the three sources and how they are related or not related to each other. You should also list the three articles in correct APA reference list documentation style.

Again, you are not necessarily using these articles in your literature review. and you will not necessarily write about CommunicationSkills for Managers for your research report assignment. However, this exercise is designed to help you become familiar with listing a source in APA format and with writing an evaluative annotation for it that you can use as the basis for discussions of articles with similar themes in your literature review.

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Business Management: Please watch the following short video from umucs
Reference No:- TGS01667518

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