Please review some of the performance appraisal methods

Please review some of the performance appraisal methods discussed in the book:

Graphic Rating Scale

Paired Comparison Appraisal


Simple Ranking

Forced Choice

Critical Incidents

Peer Rating

Group Rating


Narrative Appraisal

Field Staff Review

Management by Objectives

Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales Appraisal

Mixed Standards Scale

Computerized Appraisal

Using the Internet or the CWU library, conduct a search of the method you chose and identify at least two articles on the subject.

Write a one- or two-page memo to me identifying the method you prefer and why. Then identify five things you learned from the articles that you did not know before. Finally, describe how you could potentially use the method you chose in combination with an alternative method to better manage future reports.

The headings for your memo should be:

Performance Appraisal Method (identify your method, a brief description of it, and why you chose it.)

Things I Learned (identify in 5 separate paragraphs; one paragraph for each of the five things you learned from your Internet search).

Combination Methods to Facilitate Employee Satisfaction

At the end of the memo, cite the references to the articles you found using APA format. You may include an additional heading called "References" or simply skip one blank line and list the citations. Do not create a separate reference page.

Use the required class memo format and writing guidelines under the intro module.

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Operation Management: Please review some of the performance appraisal methods
Reference No:- TGS02531533

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