
Please respond to the forum questions listed below discuss

Assignment: Border Enforcement

Please respond to the Forum questions listed below. You are expected to give complete answers using MORE than simply what you read in class. This course requires outside research and this is a critical element of your grade.

Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 360 words. When addressing the topic questions, you are to state the question followed by your response. Do this for each question posed.

Initial Post:

1) Is current immigration policy seriously treated as a national security issue? How was it treated prior to 9/11?

2) Discuss Customs border authority and "border searches", as they pertain to the fourth amendment rule.


Please visit E-Reserves and search by the course number (ex: HLSS311) to access your required resources.

Andreas, P. (2009). Border Games: Policing the U.S.-Mexico Divide, 2nd ed. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. - Preface

CBP. (1999). Border Authority. United States Customs Academy. Glynco, Georgia.

CBP. (1999). The Border, Functional Equivalent of the Border, Extended Border. United States Customs Academy. Glynco, Georgia.

Kim, Y. (2009, June 29). Protecting the U.S. Perimeter: Border Searches Under the Fourth Amendment. CRS Report for Congress.

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Dissertation: Please respond to the forum questions listed below discuss
Reference No:- TGS02319042

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