
Please provide an outline of a research project that you

1 Practical and Written Assessment

Assessment Title

Project Outline,Topic and Data Presentation

Task Description

Please provide an outline of a research project that you intend to use as the basis for your final assessment task 3, full project proposal. You should briefly write:

  • Title of the project (up to 25 words)
  • A brief statement of the problemthatyou would like to investigate; and researchaim and objectives that can solve theproblem you have identified.
  • A brief methodology: Provide detailsabout what type of methodology you will choose such as quantitative or qualitative or mixed methodology; 
  • Clearly identify secondary data source(s) and data that require for your research; also identify the methods and tools that you will use to analyse the collected data.

This is an individual research task. As a Masters student, you are required to engage in research and demonstrate your understanding of the relevant body of works that have discussed recent developments in a discipline and/or area of professional practice. You are also required to demonstrate knowledge of research methods applicable to a real-life business research. We expect you to read and reflect on at least ten recent refereed journal articles on your topic supported by any other evidence or information that can help identify the problem of your research and the methods of data collection and analysis.

In addition, as a part of topic presentation, all on-campus students are required to discuss their project topic and available secondary data during the tutorial sessions in front of other students. You are also expected to provide constructive feedback on each of thegroup members' project. Distance students will do the same activity in the online discussion forum of the unit Moodle site. Please see detailed guidelines about the topic and data presentation and specific research requirements on the unit Moodle site. You can write 600words maximumfor this assignment. The cover pageand the list of references are not counted in the wordlimit.

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Business Management: Please provide an outline of a research project that you
Reference No:- TGS02865167

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