
Please prepare a recurring cost estimate summary for your

Please prepare a recurring cost estimate summary for your class project and submit this inputs via the mylmuconnect web-site for our class.

Students will not be required to present their cost estimates during class.

The intent of this assignment is to acquaint you with the process associated with generating a recurring cost estimate for a project. You will not be held accountable for the "validity" of the cost estimates that you provide. However, you are encouraged to use your "best judgement" in generating appropriate rough order of magnitude (ROM) cost estimates for your various WBS elements.

The attached microsoft .xls file provides a sample format for completing your recurring cost estimate assignment. This sample format affords the ability to develop a per month estimate over a two year time span. Note: the figures shown in cells shaded yellow are being automatically calculated / summed based on your entries.

In some cases, you may have a recurring cost estimate entry for each month. In other cases, you may have a single entry for a given month (e.g. forecasted enhancement or perhaps an annual license fee)...or or entries based on some other frequency (e.g. cost elements recurring on a quarterly or semi-annual basis).

You are free to utilize a modified version of this sample format. For example, you may wish to add new categories for recurring costs...as appropriate for your project. Of course, you are also free to employ a format of your own design that will provide similar summary recurring cost estimate information for your class project.

The attached format includes some sample entries for illustrative purposes. Your project may or may not encompass recurring cost inputs for the various categories reflected in this sample data.

Please include your WBS task titles and please include brief notes for each line item entry to annotate the nature/basis of the recurring cost estimate.

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Operation Management: Please prepare a recurring cost estimate summary for your
Reference No:- TGS01004642

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