
please prepare a powerpoint and answer the

Please prepare a PowerPoint and answer the questions been asked about the country Nigeria and write a paper summarising it.

Please answer each question carefully and don't forgot that the assignment has two parts. A PowerPoint presentation and also a summary of the answers.

Use information from 1980 to present on your selected country:

1.            Determine the behavior of monthly exports and imports Total and of the main product. Show the type of trend in such behavior.

2.            Estimate dependency from main commodity over time and analyze the pattern.

3.            Estimate volatility of exports and show it in a graph.

4.            Estimate volatility of the main export of the country and show it in a graph.

5.            Determine the quarterly behavior of FDI and the trend over time.

6.            Investigate and create a chart of annual exchange rate regimes for your country since 1970 to present time.

7.            Run a regression with total exports as the dependent variable and a market exchange rates and a dummy for exchange rates regimes as independent variables. Create a chart for the results and explain them.

Remember, do some research on major breaks, shocks of the variables you are investigating.

S. Prepare a Power Point presentation of your results 

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Essay Writing: please prepare a powerpoint and answer the
Reference No:- TGS0484688

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