
Please plot the solution gas oil ratio and instantaneous

1. Short answers

1) Please define instantaneous gas oil ratio
2) Please define the production gas oil ratio
3) Please specify the reasons for the need to adjust oil saturation for gravity drainage drive reservoirs
4) Please briefly specify the procedure to adjust oil saturations for water drive reservoirs

2. Please plot the solution gas oil ratio and instantaneous gas oil ratio with pressure relations, and explain the changes alone the instantaneous GOR plot.

3. A saturated oil reservoir has a bubble point pressure of 2100 psi at 175F. The initial reservoir pressure is 2400 psi, original oil in place is 10 MMSTB, connate water saturation is 15%, porosity is 20%, cw=3.2*10-6 1/psi, cf=3.1*10-6 1/psi. The PVT data is listed in table 1 and relative permeability information is listed in table 2. Please calculate the following:

1) The oil compressibility at different pressure using oil formation volume factors

2) Cumulative oil and gas production when pressure decreases to 2100 psi, 1800 psi, and 1500 psi.

Table 1. Reservoir PVT Data

p(psi) Bo(bbl/STB) Bt(bbl/STB) Rs(scf/STB) Bg(bbl/scf) µog
2400 1.464 1.464 1340 -

2100 1.480 1.480 1340 0.0013 34.1
1800 1.468 1.559 1280 0.0015 38.3
1500 1.440 1.792 1150 0.0019 42.4

Table 2. Relative permeability with liquid (oil and water) saturation

SL(%) krg/kro
96 0.018
91 0.063
75 0.850
65 3.350
55 10.200

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Other Engineering: Please plot the solution gas oil ratio and instantaneous
Reference No:- TGS01176068

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4/15/2016 5:14:56 AM

Prepare your assignment within short way simultaneously 1. Short responds 1) Please describe instantaneous gas oil ratio 2) Please describe the production gas oil ratio 3) Please identify the reasons for the need to regulate oil saturation for gravity drainage drive reservoirs 4) Please in brief specify the process to adjust oil saturations for water drive reservoirs 2. Please plot the solution gas oil ratio and instantaneous gas oil ratio through pressure relations, and clarify the changes alone the instantaneous GOR plot.