Please pick two topics listed below and write about them. In what ways are they improvements to alternatives that exist prior to their development?
1. Breast cancer gene (BRCA1) - What is BRCA1? Describe why it is important?
2. Flavr Savr tomatoes - What is it? Describe what technology was used to improve the tomato? How do biotech products benefit man?
3. The Human Genome Project - Describe why is it important? How does it help for modern medicine?
4. The first cloned sheep Dolly - Who clone Dolly? Describe what transplantation method was used to clone Dolly.
5. AquAdvantage Salmon - What is it? What are the advantages of producing this salmon? Note:
- Late assignments will lose 20% of their value per day late.
- Assignments more than 3 days late won't be accepted.
- Format: No more than 1 page, essay/paragraph format (each topic should be half a page), 1.5 spaces, Arial 11 pts.
- Search for scientific journal articles in Pubmed.
- Your references should begin on a new page separate from the text of the essay