
Please note these are instructions for students who are

Presenting the Results of the Vigilance Practical

Please note these are instructions for students who are only here for the full year and registered for a 20 credit module. Students registered for the 10 credit module need to look at the other set of instructions.

You are asked to produce a 2000 word practical report (45% of the total marks) on 'Effects of Groups on the Vigilance of Foraging Squirrels'

In this report you should look at the following questions:

1. Is there any relationship between group size and vigilance behaviour in red deer, barnacle geese or humans?

2. Do males and females have different vigilance behaviour patterns? (in deer and humans only)

Your report should be divided into the following sections:

Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Bibliography.

Further subheadings are not needed within these sections but can be used if you feel it is useful.


A summary of the whole report (i.e. introduction, methods, results

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