
Please include structure and sequence of presentation as

Presentation Topic

Please include structure and sequence of presentation as well by whom:

Main Content -give a brief outline in point form of the content being covered in each section.

Presentation summary

Write a paragraph about your topic which outlines the scope and sequence of your talk.


Resources: You should include a list of the resources (slides, visual aids) and references (books, articles, websites etc.) that you are using to support your presentation. A minimum of 4 references is required.

Please use APA referencing.

for each reference write a few sentences explaining why the reference is useful.

Structuring the content


- Start your presentation in an interesting way

- State what the topic is

- Provide rationale for importance of the topic

- Outline what you will cover in the presentation

- Begin each part with a with a topic statement

- Provide supporting evidence (with accurate citation)
- Include examples

- Summarise the main ideas

- Draw any implications and/or make recommendations

- Allot time for questions from the audience

- Use visual aids (text, graphs, charts, tables, illustrations, etc.) to clarify your presentation, not as a basis for it.
- Keep visual aids uncluttered. Research shows that people cannot listen to a presentation and process visual aids that are too heavy with text or data.

- a. use bulleted text

- b. use simple layout /design

- c. keep graphs, charts, and tables easy to "read" and interpret

Slide organisation

- Introductory topic and students names
- Overview-lists the key features in the order they will be dicussed.
- Body slides-Each should have a heading and bullet points.
- All body slides should have the same design and be approximately the same length.
- Concluding slide-summary of main points
- References
- Discussion questions(if required)


Presentation shows a deep understanding of the topic.

Good development of ideas with analysis of issues related to topic.

Information accurate and relevant.

Accurate use of graphs or graphics which are fully explained.

All features of the task are fully addressed.

Structure & Organisation (group)

Introduction clearly identifies the topic and establishes a framework for the rest of the presentation.

Very well-structured talk, with introduction, body and conclusion clearly delineated.

Appropriate organisation of information with clear links between sections, and key points well identified.

Even distribution of time for each presenter.

Presentation is delivered within the specified times per group.

Research & Referencing (group)

Evidence of thorough research. A range of topic specific, academically reliable sources used.

All diagrams, images, quotes and paraphrases are accurately referenced in APA style

An accurate and complete APA reference list included.

Group work - Cohesion (group)

Equal distribution of material between group members. Smooth transitions between speakers and material.
Slides present a consistent and professional style.

Error-free well formatted slides which are clear, easy to understand and contain an appropriate amount of information.

Audience questions confidently and easily answered by the group.

Language & Presentation Skills

Very clear pronunciation and articulation.
Expressive delivery which was well paced (not too fast or slow, contained appropriate phrasing and pausing).

Intonation natural and appropriate. Appropriate body language and eye contact with whole audience.

Able to speak confidently and fluently on the topic, may use palm cards or notes where appropriate.

Language and register consistently accurate and appropriate.

Reflection on group work

A clear explanation of a specific group challenge or difficulty given.

A clear explanation of how the group responded to the challenge or difficulty and a thoughtful evaluation on the strategy used.

Student's individual and original reflection on learning experience demonstrates critical thinking and a well-considered approach to future

Language is accurate.

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Dissertation: Please include structure and sequence of presentation as
Reference No:- TGS02412821

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