Please include proper citations and formatting throughout the paper. First part is the proposal and then the final paper.
Write a paper approximately 2500–3000 words on one of the following topics:
Discuss the vulnerability and potential effects of sea-level rise.
In paragraph form, provide information on your research topic and the major issues you intend to examine. The one-page description must include a working thesis statement. You also need to include an annotated bibliography (following APA style) for five references that you will use in your research. Each citation should be followed by a brief (around 100–150 words) descriptive and evaluative paragraph. The descriptive aspect of the annotation involves describing the main ideas presented in the source. The evaluative aspect of the annotation informs the reader of the quality of the source and its relevance to the essay topic.
The final paper should include at least ten references, and at least five of these references should be peer-reviewed.
Paper should include
Topic/thesis/theme clearly stated
Is well researched and includes all relevant ideas and considerations
Appropriate sources accurately cited
Thread of argument builds throughout paper
Arrangement of points and evidence is effective
No rambling or repetition
Points are given weighting relative to their importance to the thesis or theme
Provides a clear theoretical and conceptual framework
Demonstrates understanding of concepts of sustainability
Understandable to an interdisciplinary audience
Argument convincing and well supported
Good, convincing support for all ideas
Reasoning is explained clearly and includes specific references
Awareness of other interpretations and comparison with yours
Realistic vision of the future
Illustrates a unique voice of the author
Offers insight about a significant issue
Shows risk in thought
Writing clear, concise and easily followed
Correct sentence structure, grammar, spelling, and punctuation
References properly and consistently cited and recorded using APA style