
Please discussion 100 words.web 2.0 encourages user

1. Please discussion 100 words.Web 2.0 encourages user participation, social interaction, and collaborating. Some of the technologies used are AJAX, Tagging, blogging, Wiki's, Really Simple Syndication (RSS), and podcast's and videocast's. AJAX allows portions of websites to load with fresh data instead of waiting for the whole page to be loaded. An example of this is yahoo.com fantasy football site. It allows for real time scoring so the user can see his points for his team live on Sundays. A blog allows for users to write their opinion's on a webpage that is open to the public to see. A podcast is an audio digital file that allows for playback on personal computers or MP3 players. A podcast might include news stories or an audiobook. A Wiki is a website that allows anyone to post or edit information.

Anytime I use google to search for something, one of the links I see is to Wikipedia.com. The wikipedia website has an enormous amount of information and can be quite handy when doing some basic research. One downside of Wikipedia is accuracy and verification. Because the website allows everyone to post and edit information, it cannot be relied upon. Most colleges do not allow students to reference Wikipedia which is a little frustrating to me. However, most professors say that you can use Wikipedia to jumpstart your research to give you some ideas.

Another category of Web 2.0 is social networking. These include MySpace, Facebook, Flickr, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Twitter. MySpace does not seem as popular as it once was. I asked my spouse why and she said because it doesn't allow games and other apps to be used on it. Facebook is very popular right now. So popular that they made a hit movie about the origins of Facebook called "The Social Network" YouTube allows for users to view and upload videos of themselves. It is so popular that a common thing now is that when someone trips or something else that they are embarrassed about and there is a camera around, they say "I hope that this doen't end up on YouTube." I have used this website before when I want to repair something. I had a leaking toilet recently and I watched a video of a person taking you step by step on the repair of a toilet. Really handy for those situations.

Web 3.0 is the next step. Sometimes called the semantic web which means that all information is categorized and stored in away that computers and humans can unsterstand it. Almost like artificial intelligience. For example it may lead to a virtual shopping mall where you can see items on the shelves while using the computer. Or when you can type in say "I want to go to a nice restraunt within 10 miles" The web will know your tastes and prefernces and will suggest restraunts based on those. I think that web 3.0 will have a huge impact on society. The internet will be everywhere, your car will let you know how the traffic is flowing, your phone will give you updates sports scores on your favorite teams, and so on and so forth.

2. Tim O'Reilly, "Web 2.0 is a loose collection of information technologies and applications, plus the web that use them" (Rainer, p. 174). Some 2.0 web sites are AJAX, tagging, blogs, and wikis. AJAX: "is a Web development technique that allows portions of Web to reload with fresh data instead of requiring Web page to reload" (Rainer, p. 175). Tagging or tag is describes a piece of information like: a picture, article, or blog. Wikis are web site that anyone can post information or change information like Wikipedia. Personally I've used Wikipedia for my Algebra class; my professor aloud us, because it had very good information on breaking down problem.

What are some advantages of using Web 2.0? One area that is a disadvantage of course would have to be Wikipedia. Anyone can place article on Wikipedia; the problem is the information being correct. Author of any article paste information, and at time this information is not correct. This is why so many Colleges and University won't allow this site to be used, and it does fall under plagiarizing when used. My Professor had seen that with our Algebra class that Wikipedia and U-tube had the most correct information when it came to breaking down Algebra equations. What I like about Web 2.0, because I live in the Netherlands I can read articles from all over the world. Web 2.0 technology make it easier to find information from newspapers and magazines that is needed in writing college papers. Disadvantage of Web 2.0, are its dependence with users, and the Internet. Just think if the Internet was to go down how you would access information that you might need for this class, and there are web sites that are free and unsecure this to lead to being targeted by hackers.

Web 3.0 is called as "Semantic Web". It is a term coined by Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of World Wide Web. Using Web 3.0 if one had a medical problem he/she could look up the symptoms to see what they have. They could use the web browser to find cures, but be warned some of this data may not be accurate, and there could be multiple diseases, that may have similar symptoms. I think the Web 3.0 will make it easier to find more accurate information even quicker. Just think if you wanted to go to a Mexican restaurant and see the Rocky Horror Picture Show; Web 3.0 can make sure that restaurant and the movie theater are close, and with the Internet you could get direction to both places. 

3. Describe several Web 2.0 technologies.

Which technologies have you personally used before? Describe your experiences with several Web 2.0 technologies. What did you like about them? What did you dislike about them?

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of several different Web 2.0 technologies. How could these technologies be used for good? What kinds of problems might these technologies cause?

Find an article online that discusses Web 3.0 technology. Summarize the key points in the article. Be sure to include the url.

What is Web 3.0? How do you think Web 3.0 will impact society?  

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Basic Computer Science: Please discussion 100 words.web 2.0 encourages user
Reference No:- TGS0139679

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