
Please discuss in what ways the setting of novel and the

What was the setting and time period of Dracula?

In this discussion, which focuses on the author's use of the epistolary style of writing as well as the setting and time period of Dracula, please be specific in your responses, and quote from the text to support them. If you use sources outside of the text, please cite them according to the APA style guide. Please write no less than 250 words.

Please answer the question:

• Dracula is an epistolary novel (https://eds.b.ebscohost.com.vlib.excelsior.edu/eds/ebookviewer/ebook?sid=517d86bc-4fff-4cfb-bbf2-545e1cf048b3%40sessionmgr120&ppid=pp_92&hid=108&vid=0&format=EB). Click on the link to read about this type of literary work in Spacks, P. (2006). Novel Beginnings: Experiments in Eighteenth-century English Fiction. New Haven: Yale University Press. Please read pp 92-94. Please discuss in what ways the setting of the novel and the time period are brought to life through the use of this style. As a reader, what specifically resonated with you about this setting and time period?

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