
Please critique a website of your choice this should be a

Website analysis/ heuristic review

Please critique a website of your choice. This should be a traditional website and not a social media platform or app. Please provide a well thought-out analysis in essay/paragraph format that covers all the topics below. Make use of heading and sub- heading to organize your analysis. Use the listed criteria below discussed in class along with the usability evaluation checklist for websites distributed in class.

Always explain your answers and provide evidence such as examples to back up your claims. Your paper should be a well-reasoned report and not a list of bulleted points. Remember to provide the website address. [Note: social media platforms and apps for this assignment are not considered websites.]


As a communication artifact like a speech, what is the purpose or thesis of the website? Explain how the purpose is evident from the website's content, design, and interaction. If the purpose is not clear, explain why.


- Based on the analysis of content, does the site have a clear audience or target market?

- Quality of information and content?

o Is it appropriate and reasonable for the target Audience?

o Does it satisfy target audience needs, wants and desires?

o Does it establish trust and credibility?

o Does it appeal to the identity or "lifestyle" of the audience?


- Is the site easy to navigation? Explain why or why not.

- How does the information architecture of the site help or hinder usability?

Content and Textual Issues:

- Is the information easy to read and understand? o Length of sentences

o Length of Paragraphs

o Word choices

- Clear and Concise

- Well Organized

- Is the style appropriate and engaging for audience?

- Visual Design (Look & Feel)

- Consistent across website/unity of design

- Clear and Clean or Cluttered visual design?

Contact Information:

- Who is the person, company, or group responsible for the web site? o Is contact information given? Email, Phone number, Address

o If contact information is not given, does this affect credibility?

Mobile/Responsive Design:

- If there is a mobile version of the website, does it: o Follow the same information architecture?

o Have the same content?

o Have the same task and/or interaction capability?

o Have the same or similar visual look and feel, which would indicate brand identification?

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Marketing Research: Please critique a website of your choice this should be a
Reference No:- TGS02193889

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