Title - Statistical analysis of consumer Durable retail sales
Please complete the project plan you should design the project plan according to all breakdown items listed below, the plan should be double spaced no requirement on page limit as long as you clearly answer all break down items and no requirement of reference style
The break down items for project plan are
Clearly define project goals i.e What you want to say by initiating and managing this project
clearly identify the stakeholders of project
create a table to show the implementation schedule of project. for instance on which date, you plan to complete which part of the project
Clearly list the needed resources and how you plan to obtain them
clearly show the cost of resources needed
clearly show the possible risks face for example running out of budget, team members in project implementation process
Clearly show how can you plan to address the barrier if they occur
Create a work breakdown structure(WBS) to list the tasks needed for accomplishing project on time.