
Please complete a 300-word summary of the evaluation

RWT exercise 1

Please complete a 300-word summary of the evaluation argument chapter in Good Reasons. Practice writing good prose with purpose and reaching out to your target audience (me-purpose? To show me you know the most important steps of evaluating in writing). Use the "summary guide" for help. DUE 8:00AM in Ohio USA time. After 11 hours from posting the question,

Some Keys to a Basic Summary

  •  Include the author(s), the title of the article/essay/chapter/document, the source name (where it appeared), and the original date of publication in your first sentence or two
  •  Explain the context (what happened that encouraged the author to compose/write the article or essay?) and purpose/focus
  •  Be objective-whether or not you agree does not matter. Do justice to the source.
  •  Describe the author's tone: serious, sarcastic, formal, friendly, angry, informal, satirical, humorous, authoritative, questioning . . . ? A combination of things?
  •  Articulate the author's purpose and intentions: to inform or persuade (and about what?)? Both?
  •  Clearly summarize all important information in a logical and organized way (generally not in the order it appeared in the original source): consider all points, assertions, positions, focused examples, etc. Create a general focus to your summary.

Things to Avoid in a Basic Summary

  •  Your opinion on the subject
  •  Misrepresentation
  •  Too much of the author's original wording
  •  Oversimplification
  •  Listing

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Other Subject: Please complete a 300-word summary of the evaluation
Reference No:- TGS01400131

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