
Please briefly describe the objective of this study whats

Data Analysis

Introduction Please briefly describe the objective of this study. What's the point? Why is it worth studying? What are you hoping to accomplish? Write this in 3-4 sentences as a business objective for the study. Purpose The.docx#_msocom_1">[WU1] primary purpose of this study was to determine if there is a significant relationship between and . The independent variable was and the dependent variable was . The.docx#_msocom_2">[WU2] secondary purpose of this study was to determine if there is a significant difference in the average between . Research Question and Hypotheses This study sought to answer the following research questions:

Research Question 1: What is the relationship between between and

Research Question 2: Is there a difference in average between . I sought to answer the research questions by testing the following null hypotheses: Null Hypothesis for R1: There is no significant relationship between and Alternative Hypothesis for R1: There is a significant relationship between and Null Hypothesis for R2: There is no significant difference between the average in .

Alternative Hypothesis for R2: There is a significant difference between the average in . .docx#_msoanchor_1">[WU1]This purpose statement will address the regression analysis .docx#_msoanchor_2">[WU2]This purpose statement will address the T-Test. Remember, you may have to create groups (indicate what is large vs. small and then split the groups) in order to run a two sample t-test.

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Applied Statistics: Please briefly describe the objective of this study whats
Reference No:- TGS02202796

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