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Question: Elijah and Elisha both knew that Almighty God was about to sweep Elijah into eternity. Though a master among prophets, Elijah himself had always been astonished by his student Elisha's steadfast devotion. Elisha treasured every word spoken by Elijah and followed him whatever he went. Now they found themselves in their usual circumstance; close together and apart from others. God's next appointed destination for Elijah was heaven. But Gods next assignment for Elisha was a world without Elijah. Although Elijah stood on the border of paradise, his mind was on his son in the ministry. How can the inseparable part?

What farewell suits the loss of mentor, friend, and inspiration? Elijah was the one person on earth who had been there from the first call of Elisha to this very day. Through the miraculous displays of power and in the mundane tasks of daily life. Prophecy and small talk. Fire from heaven and campfires in the desert. There was only one soul on earth that close to Elisha,and that soul was leaving, to the rest of his life. Moses could have passed on a staff and David could have left a harp. But what do you offer someone whose prized treasure is yourself?

Elijah wanted to give Elisha the desire of his heart, but what was the desire of his heart ? Ask what I shall do for thee, before I be taken away from thee. There was no need for Elisha to mull over his answer because he had own all along what he wanted; I pray thee, let a double portion of thy spirit be upon me. (2 Kings 2:9, KJV) The request teetered on the edge of incomprehension, giving pause to the great Elijah. Nonetheless, this supernatural petition fit his favorite pupil perfectly and was the natural step. Of course, that was it; Elisha wanted to be twice as much like Elijah as Elijah himself! He was saying, I want to be even more like you than you are! The request challenged, honored, and thrilled Elijah. Throughout his career as God's spokesman, Elijah had foretold countless events, but he could not guarantee God's is generous.

Elisha's human reverence cascaded into God's heavenly honor guard. Elisha saw the chariot of Israel, and the horsemen thereof. (2 Kings 2:12, KJV) He had pursued Elijah to his last earthly breath, and seized the moment. He was now doubly equipped to carry on in Elijah's place what a disciple! what a follower! And now, what a leader! What about students and teachers today? Students pick teachers based on how much homework is required, how funny they are, and when the class is offered. They evaluate and grade teachers. If the student makes a bad grade, then it's the teacher's fault because there was no review, or not enough time allowed. But how much responsibility for learning do students have?

Are students in class to learn or simply to complete a required course? They watch for the slightest misstep by the teacher,yet overlook their own lack of initiative. They focus getting an A more than on getting education. Do any realize that the teacher's job is not to spoon feed them? Has the drive to complete a degree surpassed the desire to learn? Elisha attained through followership. He started by carrying the bags, but finished as chief of the prophets. Elisha made it his business to there all the time. he learned by hanging around . he learned by participating. He learned by doing. He learned by paying attention. He learned by observation an revelation. He learned by other's mistakes and his own mistakes. he learned by asking questions and making comments.

He learned by reading and by listening. He learned by imitating the teacher. he learned by passing up opportunties elsewhere in order to spend time with his teacher. he learned any way he could at any time he could. Elisha was the super glue of ancient times. He had much in common with Elijah's shadow. in fact. he was Elijah's shadow. The other prophets never had to ask where Elisha was. He was always with Elijah. Together, they accomplished great things for God, but may I also go out on a limb and say they both had a lot of fun along the way?

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