
play and learn children can learn many basic

PLAY AND LEARN :  Children can learn many basic mathematical concepts through games. They enjoy Mathematical concepts can be playing within familiar contexts. Their games also generate a good deal of communicated through games mathematical activity in a spontaneous and enjoyable way. New ideas and concepts can be introduced through games and situations which young children find familiar, enjoyable and non-threatening. This is also true for older (primary stage) children.

When young children divide things amongst themselves, they are matching one to- one. When they play with blocks, they are experimenting with different shapes. When they sing about "five little monkeys", they are learning number names.

Children also enjoy word games. They are usually good at detecting verbal patterns. Since pattern recognition lies at the heart of mathematical thinking, children are really doing mathematics at the same time as developing their language skills.

You could devise several games to teach any mathematical concept. These games can be played with the whole class, or in smaller groups. The games could also be so designed that-the children learn the related mathematical language as well.


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Mathematics: play and learn children can learn many basic
Reference No:- TGS0272586

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