Plato believed there are two worlds plato founded the first

1. What is the relation of Plato's "Forms" to "things"?

A) The Form is the cause of the essence of the thing.
B) A thing may be said to participate in a Form.
C) A thing may be said to imitate or copy a Form.
D) All of the above.
E) None of the above.

2. Plato founded the first university in western civilization called _______.

A) The Lyceum
B) The Academy
C) The Agora

3. Plato believed there are two worlds:

A) Dark world of the cave and bright world of light.
B) Visible world and intelligible world.
C) World of particulars and world of universals.
D) None of the above.
E) All of the above.

4. In the Metaphor of the Divided Line, Plato provides _______________.

A) An account of absolute morality.
B) The ten categories of metaphysics.
C) Details about the levels of knowledge that we can obtain.
D) An outline of the distinction between oligarchies and democracies.

5. Plato was a skeptic.
A) True
B) False

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