Plant physiological diversity dispatch

Problem: Plant Physiological Diversity Dispatch (PPDD) assignments, please make a post that gives an example of a plant that is an EXCEPTION to something you have learned in this week's content. This week's class content covers photosynthetic light reactions for one week, then you could cover a plant (or plants) that do not use photosynthesis and name about alternative mechanisms it uses. 

Make sure the paper close to a hundered words count and should be written as complete sentences. Paper can be worded as simply as you want as long as there is a clear example of an "exception".

Make sure to cite at least one source (scientific paper or credible science website) for your work in any citation style; the citation will not be counted in the word count.

This week we learned about plant mineral nutrition, essential nutrients, Root nutrient absorption, SOLUTE TRANSPORT AND MINERAL NUTRIENT ASSIMILATION. Let me know if this is not clear.

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Reference No:- TGS03387884

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