
Plant diversity and their structures

Question 1:

A) Draw labeled diagrams of the given:

a) Androecium of Pisum sativum showing arrangement of stamens.
b) L. S. of apple fruit.
c) Cross section of coffee berry exhibiting its component parts.
d) A diagrammatic representation of the collenchyma cells.
e) Megasporophyll of Cycas revoluta.

B) Give the botanical names of the given:

a) Cardamom.
b) Sunflower.
c) Sweet potato.
d) Ergot.
e) Wheat.

Question 2:

A) In brief describe the given terms and write the name of the family where the structure is found:

a) Capitulum Inflorescence.
b) Cyathium Inflorescence.
c) Protogynous flowers.
d) Obdiplostemonous Androecium.
e) Clum.

B) Depict the given through clear and labeled diagram:

a) T. S. of coralloid root of Cycas.
b) Different kinds of vascular bundles.
c) L. S. of bulb of Onion.
d) L. S. of nutmeg seed.
e) Floral diagram of Salvia spp.

Question 3: Name the families in which such structures are found:

a) Protandrous flowers.
b) Cystoliths.
c) Spadix Inflorescence.
d) Replum.
e) Copra.

Question 4: Explain the unique features of the given plants:

a) Leaves of Pinus.
b) Root of a mangrove tree.
c) Epidermis of Nerium leaf.
d) Leaves of Nepenthes sp.
e) Pith of Ephedra foliata stem.

Question 5: Explain the reproductive structures with appropriate diagram of cycads.

Question 6: Distinguish among Black tea, Green tea and Oolong tea and write the biochemical changes which take place during black tea preparation.

Question 7: List out the main differences between a dicotyledonous and a monocotyledonous root.

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Other Subject: Plant diversity and their structures
Reference No:- TGS02637

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