In the near future, your company is planning on marketing a low cost laptop computer for home use that is capable of running basic programs such as word processing, tax computations, and simple spreadsheets. The marketing department has an extensive database of previous customers which includes many of their email addresses. Your group has been assigned to develop an email survey consisting of approximately 12 questions that will help the department to target the demographic groups that would be most likely to purchase this new laptop.
Once you've decided which areas to focus on in the survey, develop 12 questions. In order to make information easy to compile and process, questions should be written so that respondents can choose one or more options from a list of possible responses. Here is an example:
What is your annual family income? Circle one answer.
Under $25,000
Between $25,000 and $50,000
Between $50,000 and $75,000
Over $75,000
450-800 words.